
Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa List Ornament

I know that everyone has their own "Santa Tradition", but in our house... we don't want Santa to take over the holiday!  Derik and I decided after last Christmas that our children would be allowed to ask Santa for 5 things, and each year Santa will bring 3.  We bought Santa bags, and Santa will leave each child a bag with their 3 gifts every year!  We thought this would be a good way to incorporate the story of Jesus into Christmas... the wise men brought Jesus 3 gifts as well!  This way... everything comes back to the real meaning of Christmas. 

I saw an idea on pinterest, and I had to make it mine!  The idea was to use wooden spools to create an ornament with your child's wishlist for Santa on it.  So, off to JoAnns I went (coupon in hand of course)!! 

I only had to purchase 2 items, wooden spools, and twine! 

I found the spools in a pack of 6 amongst the wood crafts, 
and a package of hemp twine in the jewelry department!

I wanted an ornament for last year's Christmas as well, so I needed to make 2.  Even making 2, this project took about 15 minutes!  I painted the spools red, and waited for them to dry.  After putting my daughter to bed, created a Word Document and inserted a text box.  The size of the spool was 1 1/2" wide, so I made the text box 1 1/2" x 4.5" tall.  I typed a small "letter" to Santa from Abbie including her 5 wishlist items, printed them, and cut them out!  I ran twine through the spool and tied a knot in the end.  Taped on the list, and voila!  I created a Santa's List Ornament!  I will make one each year for each child! 

It was a lot of fun to hang them on the tree, and one day... I will give them all of their spools!!

Wooden Spools $2.57 with my coupon!
Twine $1.99

Total Cost of this project $4.50 (and I have another 2 years worth of spools!!)

 - Jessica


  1. Cute...
    You could, as they get older, allow the kids to make their own. It would be fun to have them in their own writing. You could cut the paper and let them write their list and them let them paint the spool and decorate.
    Very crafty!

  2. I'm glad to see that someone actually makes the things they see on pinterest. My boards just keep filling up and I never do anything with them. Very cute idea. Looking forward to doing some crafting with you soon.

  3. Melissa, you crack me up!! I am so hooked on pinterest, and I love making the cool ideas I find!! I am looking forward to it too!!
