
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Car Seat Canopy

There are a few luxury items that I really wanted to have when my daughter was born, but they were far from necessary!  This time around there is one item in particular that I really wanted!  A car seat canopy... this is basically a fabric tent that goes over the car seat and serves 2 main purposes.  If the baby is sleeping, it stays darker, and the baby sleeps sound.  Also, and this is the most important... I am due in February, and at the height of cold and flu season, you would think people would know better than to touch your newborn... but they don't!  This canopy prevents strangers with germy hands from touching your new child.
I ordered fabric for some burp cloths that a friend is making me, and I had a bunch left over!  As I was looking at one of the fabric cuts, I decided it was almost perfect for a canopy project!  I measured the car seat and decided that I needed a piece of fabric about 42x30", and 2 ties.  The fabric I had was 45x32, and I had an extra piece on the side that was 6x30". 
I cut the extra piece in half so that I had 2 3x30".  I folded the sides into the middle and folded the strip in half, and sewed it together.  I repeated on the second piece, and sewed the 2 straps onto the canopy.  I measured the carseat and needed the straps to be 24" from the front of the canopy, and 18 inches from the back.  After the straps were attached, I sewed an inch seam all the way around the canopy, and voila!

I was finished!  It took me about an hour, and I absolutely love it!

Total Cost $6 in fabric!


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