
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Letters on the Wall

I have been planning Brady's nursery from the second we found out we were having a boy!  In all actuality... I was planning long before that!  It didn't take me long after the gender appointment to buy bedding, and start looking for furniture!

Now that all of that is done... all that is left is to paint and "personalize" the room!  I really wanted to put Brady's name on the wall like we did in Abbie's nursery... however I didn't want to do the same thing!  So, I looked and looked and looked for letters that I liked... and FINALLY found some!

Since we are doing a "sports" themed nursery, I really wanted the letters to look a little "varsity", however most letters that have that look are HUGE!

So, after a long search... I found these!  

I found a picture online of some letters that someone had painted to match the bedding that we have for Brady, and I was NOT paying $12/letter +shipping!  That order would have cost me about $70... are you kidding me!  If you have met me EVER, you know I would NEVER pay that kind of money for something that I could do in a day!
So, I purchased the letters for $1.49 each at JoAnns, and fortunately I already had all of the painting supplies!

I didnt have any painters tape, but I did have electrical tape, so I improvised!  

And it actually worked REALLY well!!  I painted each letter as the picture showed, and on the 2 solid colored letters I added a "sports" pop!

I printed out pictures of a baseball and a basketball and glued them to cardboard.  
Cut them out and glued them on!  

So, this project took me an afternoon.  However... I did stop a LOT to let a layer of paint dry before I continued!

I am pretty excited about the way they turned out!

I am even more excited about the idea I have for hanging them on the wall!!  You will have to wait and see what that is...

Total Cost for this project - about $7

 - Jessica

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