
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Napkin Pillows!

I pulled all of the "Christmas Boxes" out of the attic today!  I know it is only November 7th, but I am pretty sure that I am nesting at this point, so cut me some slack!  We also moved into a new house in May of this year, so I have never decorated this house, and I wanted to see what I need to plan to purchase!!
So, down came the boxes, and out came the goodies!!  I had purchased some Christmas decor items after Christmas last year when they all went on sale!  I was excited to see them, because I had pretty much forgot that I bought them!  I bought these cute "Holly" accent pillows, and I made some snowflake pillows... so I put those out.  The pillows that stay on our couch year around are red, so I thought I could make them work, but I wasn't in love with them!
I had to run to Target for a few things and I had NO intention of buying anything to make pillows... but I came across these super cute napkins!  There are 2 napkins in the pack for $3.99 and they were 20"x20"... a perfect pillow!!!  How could I not jump on this!

I came back home, and after putting my daughter to bed, I broke out the napkins, and started pinning! 

I pinned the napkins together with the good side of the napkins together.

Then I sewed all the way around leaving enough room for my hand to stuff it! 
Flipped it inside out, and stuffed it with poly-fil, which I had already, of course!! 

I buy Poly-fil in 5 lb boxes, and I do it often!  I always have a generous amount on hand!

I stitched the opening together by hand, and voila... a napkin pillow was born!

I had 3 to make all together, and I think they look great!

Total Cost $12

 - Jessica

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